Rogue landlord housed family with young children in 'uninhabitable' outbuilding
Inspectors discovered three young children in the building
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Inspectors discovered three young children in the building
The group forced entry using a disc cutter, sledgehammer and crowbars according to police
The pair attacked a man in Bar 42 Broadway in Peterborough
The budget will see an average increase in council tax of £88.73 a year for Band D properties
The mayoral election will take place in M
The cost of the TV Licence is set to increase again this April, but there are ways to cut the cost
The long-standing feature is set to disappear in just a few days as users are urged to prepare ahead of deadline
A judge previously suggested he could allow the release of some sealed documents from Prince Harry's US visa application
The budget will see an average increase in council tax of £86.84 a year for Band D properties
The case has been passed to the coroner